https://doi.org/10.56727/bsm.v1i.5Kata Kunci:
Standards of Pharmaceutical Service, Pharmacy, PharmacistAbstrak
Nowdays, there was an orientation change of pharmacy’s service from commodity to comprehensive service. Pharmacists in performing their duties in a pharmacy must comply with the decision of the health minister No.35/Menkes/SK/2014 about the standard of pharmacy service in Pharmacy, so the society was protected from unprofessional service. This research was purposed to evaluate the implementation of the standard of pharmacy services at a pharmacy Sleman in 2013. The research used non-experimental design which were analyzed descriptively. The sample size were determined by formula Slovin and retrieving data with random sampling. The data was collected based on interview and observations with pharmacists. The score was performed by added each indicator value in each pharmacy which consist of resources, evaluation of service quality and services. The results obtained from 62 pharmacists show that there were 33 pharmacies (52%) in good category with score 81-100 and 29 pharmacies (47%) in the sufficient category with score 61-80.
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