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Penulis yang ingin memasukkan naskah harus memperhatikan poin-poin di bawah ini. Jika naskah tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang telah dicantumkan, ada kemungkinan naskah tersebut akan dikembalikan.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Panduan Penulis

Journal template download here

Authors who will submit articles to the Bhakti Setya Medika journal must read the writing guidelines first and ensure that the submitted manuscript is in accordance with the writing format and style of counseling that applies in the Bhakti Setya Medika journal. The submitted manuscript can be in the form of original research articles or literature studies.

The manuscript to be sent must be in accordance with the focus and scope of Jurnal Bhakti Setya Medika, which includes:  health, including pharmacy, health information management, medical records, blood transfusion technology, and various research that support the development and advancement of health science.


  1. General Requirements for Manuscript Writing
  2. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English with a line density of one space, Times New Roman font 11, A4 paper size, left-right alignment, left-right margin, top bottom is 2.54 cm, and paragraphs are made 2 columns.
  3. The maximum length of the manuscript is 10 pages.
  4. Manuscripts are submitted by submitting on  the  page after going through the registration process and logging in on the website.
  5. Incoming manuscripts will be selected by the system and will be forwarded to peer reviewers. Furthermore, the manuscript will be returned to the author, if corrections are needed. After the author makes improvements to the manuscript in accordance with the input and assessment of the peer reviewer, then sent back by the author to the system, and so on until a final manuscript is obtained in accordance with the evaluation from the peer reviewer.
  6. Manuscripts that have been revised by the author will be reviewed again by peer reviewers, if feasible, will be published. Meanwhile, if it still needs to be revised, it will be sent back to the author.


  1. Structure of Scientific Articles
  2. Titles (concise, informative, and not too long, and can reflect the content of the study) with a maximum of 10 words in Indonesian (or English) and do not use abbreviations. Font: Times New Roman 14, bold, maximum of 10 words in Indonesia without any abbreviations.                                                                                                                                                          
  3. English titles are listed below the Indonesian heading with justify settings, not bold, italic, and Times New Roman font size 12
  4. There is no need to include academic/functional titles or positions in the author's name
  5. For the first author, the author's institutional affiliation follows the place of work, completed with the address of the institution. For the second author onwards, if working in the same place, the address of the institution is written in full.
  6. The author's name is typed in Times New Roman 11 font, Bold, should not be short
  7. Abstract

Abstracts are written in Indonesian. Abstract describes what has been done / done. Abstract written in Times New Roman 10 letters, line spacing single, briefly and clearly with a maximum of 200 – 250 words. In the abstract, there is a brief background, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. It is not allowed to use citations in abstracts. Abstract is equipped with relevant keywords maximum of 5 keywords separated by commas (,).

  1. Introduction

The introduction must explain the background of the problem, statement / formulation of the problem, relevant literature sources, convey differences with research that has previously been / similar done by other researchers. The writing format should follow the existing template. The manuscript is written using Microsoft word, line spacing 1, Times New Roman size 11, and paragraphs are made 2 columns.

  1. Research Methods

The methods section should include the chronology / stages of the study, including research design, research procedures, sampling methods and data analysis methods. Written in a single line spacing format, Times New Roman 11 font.


  1. Results and Discussion

Results are presented with a logical and comprehensive flow. Results can be presented in the form of images, graphs, tables and others so that readers can easily understand them. Emphasize important outcomes. The sequence table number from the first one appears and is referenced in the text. The image must be compressed first so that the file sent is not too large. The title of the image and the graphic are located below the image. Image numbers and graphics are in order from those that first appear and are referenced in the text. The discussion section can be made separate in subsections. Do not repeat data or statements that have already been presented in the background or results section. The discussion section also includes limitations or weaknesses of the study and implications for future research.

  1. Conclusion

The Conclusion section answers the research objectives and suggestions for future researchers. Conclusions are drawn up in the form of paragraphs (not numbers). Written in a single line spacing format, Times New Roman 11 font.

  1. Acknowledgments

Written if any, addressed to parties who support the course of research including funders. Written in a single line spacing format, Times New Roman 11 font.

  1. Bibliography

The most important bibliography is derived from journals and proceedings. All citations referenced in the manuscript must be written in the bibliography. For writing a bibliography, it is recommended to use a Reference Manager (library application) such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, Grammarly, Reference Manager, and others.

Citation and referencing format in the entire manuscript of the Journal of Health Sciences Bhakti Setya Medika must use the APA 7th edition.

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