Review of Ergonomic Aspects of Filing Room Based on Anthropometry of Filing Officers at RSUD Wonosari


  • Aisya Isnaini Khasanah Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Lindi Diani Tirasafira Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Luthfinda Putri Setyowati Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Nasywa Talitha Azzahra Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Widya Muthia Izzatul Chorimah Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Munica Chintyani Putri Rekam Medis RSUD Wonosari
  • Angga Eko Pramono Universitas Gadjah Mada



ergonomics, filing, K3, medical record, anthropometry


Based on our observations, the medical record storage rack in the Wonosari Hospital filing room is too high when compared to the height of the officers. Stepping chairs are provided but they are not secure and the distance between the shelves is too close. Therefore, adjusting ergonomics and anthropometric aspects in the filing room is very important as a form of risk management for the occupational safety and health of filing officers. The type of research that we use in this article uses a qualitative research type with a case study research design. The use of qualitative methods in research can produce a more comprehensive study of a phenomenon. Qualitative research that pays attention to humanism or the human individual and human behavior is the answer to the awareness that all the results of human actions affect the internal aspects of the individual. Ergonomic aspects of the filing room at Wonosari Hospital, including the management and equipment for the filing room are in accordance with existing standards except for the footing aids. The temperature in the Wonosari Hospital filing room is ideal, but the humidity is categorized as not ideal and the lighting is uneven. In addition, there are also aspects of occupational safety and health consisting of occupational safety and health risks. Provision of safe footing aids such as aluminum folding ladders as a tool to make it easier for filing officers to retrieve medical records in areas that are difficult to reach. Ergonomic adjustments to the anthropometry of filing officers to ensure safety and comfort at work. Hospital management and filing officers pay more attention to K3 aspects of officers by adding lights, providing work equipment and safe PPE.



How to Cite

Khasanah, A. I., Tirasafira, L. D., Setyowati, L. P., Azzahra, N. T. ., Chorimah, W. M. I., Putri, M. C. ., & Pramono, A. E. (2025). Review of Ergonomic Aspects of Filing Room Based on Anthropometry of Filing Officers at RSUD Wonosari. JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN BHAKTI SETYA MEDIKA, 10(1).