Evaluation of Independent Clinical Information System Using System Usability Scale
Health Information System, System Usability Scale (SUS), acceptedAbstract
The Health Information System (SIK) is part of the Health Information System in a country. Health Information System as data that has been processed in such a way as to increase the knowledge of a person who uses the data. Independent Clinic Information System, is a system designed to be used in a simple independet clinic. Services at independent clinic have not used an electronic system but still based on paper. Along with the development and increase in the number of patients served, it becomes a need to change the system from a paper-based manual to an electronic system, it is hoped that using an information system can improve the smoothness of patient administration such as patient registration, examination services, patient medical record records, drug services, payment for services and the need for reports on clinical activities can be realized effectively and efficiently. The System Usability Scale (SUS) is used to measure and assess how users perceive the benefits of the system in their work processes. The usability test is carried out aimed at measuring the quality of a good application so that in the future users can adopt the system easily and increase the acceptance of users to the new technology. The results of the evaluation with the System Usability Scale average score of 74.75 which means acceptable, grade scale category C level, adjective rating "good" and score SUS Percentile Rank is Grade B, thus the application of the clinical information system can be accepted and used easily for health services in Clinic.
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